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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  October 15, 2012 6:00am-9:00am EDT

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before the packer/texans game and he is okay and handled it like a pro . >> and it is time to get scrambled up. >> i know it. it is slime. >> no. it could be. >> it smile. >>reporter: it could be slime. >> very good, gretch gretchh. >> gretchen: thank you, ladies. >> "fox and friends" starts right now. >> brian: slime in the show. >> gretchen: first time a word could be two. i hope you had a fantastic weekend. it was beautiful to the east coast. i am gretchen carlson, thank you for sharing your time. the obama campaign said the libya cover up thing shouldn't be ash. >> it is the first ut
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ambassador that has been killed . susan rice and others told the story that was not true. and you said not to discuss it. we should wait for the investigation should be completed. >> gretchen: do you think it is important to discuss. we'll play you the feisty exchange. >> steve: the great lady new york times under fire for libya. but this is on the cover. women in north korea getting shorter skirts. oh, yeah, great. >> brian: we need a second source on that. a stunt goes wrong when a bar breaks on a 4,000 cliff. >> gretchen: wow.
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"fox and friends" starts right now. ♪ "fox and friends". >> steve: you know it looked like the show on abc called wipe out where people try to make it on the end and jump and next thing you know. >> gretchen: that didn't look like. you know that baumgartner guy who flew down the sound barrier, only he may have been able to survive. >> brian: the cold was fog yet suit was not keeping his body warm and it was freezing up as it went through the atmosphere. >> gretchen: we have to do politics first. you see how the story about libya continuing to unfold with allegations of a cover up by the obama administration . they continue to send out the
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surrogates to worry the questions. watch chris wallace and david axelrod for what happened in libya and afterwards. >> brian: there is no doubt he is working hard to exploit the issue. and in the bloomburg news, chris stevens' dad said he regretted that people were not trying to exploit. we should follow the lead of the ambassador's family and make the adjustmentings. >> wait a minute, david. wait a minute. this is the first u.s. ambassador that was killed since 1979. susan rice came on this show and fiv others and gave a story that was not true and you are saying we shouldn't discuss this and we should wait for the investigation to be completed. >> no, no.
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chris, calm down. that is obviously not what i am saying. >> there is proof it is not politics. people are serving over seas. >> brian: pressure on people saying no to them. you cant have the stars and moon and you realize i my life is in jeopardy. it is important to bring out it is not about politics when you come to other people. shawn smith who lost his life there, his mom, his mom said it is not just the american people who are not getting the full story, she is not either. listen to what she said. >> did the president speak to you personally about what happened to your son. >> yes, he said we will check it out and let you know. and that's what hilary and panetta and joe biden and susan rice. they all say the same thing
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and after that i heard nothing until i talked to the people in the med yampt absolutely nothing. >> what did the president say to you specifically and leon panetta and hillary clinton, did they say it was about a film. >> susan rice said it was specifically a film and not any terrorist attack and it was -- >> it was not a terrorist attack? >> she said that days afterwards when i saw her on tv. they told me it was three or four days later, all of those big shots were saying it was not a terrorist attack. >> it didn't get ride for me because of all of the other things i heard. i can't tell you specifics, everything just did not add up right.
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>> stereo >> steve: it started with axelrod and company. we are three weeks and one day from the election. obama team is trying to change the narrative back to, keep in mind al-qaida is dead. we heard two weeks ago it is not dead . so what they are trying to do. it started with a hoax. it was all about that darn video. and that's why susan rice was out on the sunday shows and now it is it a cover up there is stone wall asking that is unfortunate for the president of the united states, because the big lie was that al-qaida was dead. it is not dead. we have a dead people in libya to prove it. >> gretchen: joe biden was asked that question of the debate. he said we didn't have any information and they needed more security in libya and that was the word that was parched over the last few days
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and the reason they came back on the sunday shows to defend that word. if the president and vice-president didn't know who did? is it the state department or did the administration actually know something. that is muddying up the waters and they are saying that romney who exploited libya for political gain mr. #2: and continue on. senator depraham said what you said, steve, they are trying to say the narrative that al-qaida is dismantled and now have to admit the embassy was hit. within 24 hours he heard from the cia that they knew it was a terrorist attack. he was on the armed services committee. you have a hard time marginalizing this as politics 101. >> steve: republicans are saying there was a serious
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lapse of security over in libya and four of our people are dead. and for joe biden said we didn't know about it. what about the expression the buck stops here. harry truman could be rolling over in his grave . the new york times after the public hearing on capitol hill where it was revealed that the men and women over in libya said we need more security and the state department turned them down. after that jaw dropping testimony. where was that story in the new york times. it was not unlike the wall street journal and washington post. it was not on the front page but buried inside . that is not right. >> gretchen: it was a-3 margaret sullivan it is her job to represent the interest of the times readers and her job to say are you doing a good job in representing the interest the people reading
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the newspaper? and the answer she had was no. where does this go from here? the times editor said you should have done it this way and that way. do they come back and put libya on the front cover to be a response? they didn't today. they have photos of women in north korea whose dress codes are changing. >> brian: they had a 23 word tease about libya on the front page and took it to 8:13 to say it was libya and pol teches. when the bill clinton impeachment thing was happening. there was no politics. i felt like the new york times was working the story is red meat for any investigative journalist. they had all of the electric testimony. pick the lead you want and
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follow it. and they decided not to look at it. >> steve: yesterday on the "fox news sunday" show it was suggested to jeff, why shouldn't somebody camped in front of susan rice's house and hey, who told you to go out on the sunday shows and a it was not spontanous. it of not only the new york times, that night all three network newscast libya was not the lead story. >> gretchen: congressman darrell wants rice to testify. self-prolessed master mind calid sheik mohammed and his four conspir ators. if the public has a right to know what happened. and whether the u.s. constitution applies in gitmo.
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the hearings are close to the public. but relatives who lost loved ones can watch on military sites on four different bases. after searching all weekend no sign much hikers missing in the glacier pike. there was a fire ring believed to belong to the pair. crews will look today after yesterday's search was cut short due to the weather. severe thunderstorms in chicago prompted tornado warnings throughout the city. you can hear the sirens going off and wind gusts clocking in at 50 miles per hour . the time lapse video shows the storm as it rolls through a neighborhood. he was pennsylvania's longest
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serving senator and this morning the country is remembering arlen specter. he passed away from cancer after overcoming brain tumor and surviving cardiac arrest. he served five terms in congress and was beaten in the primary after switching parties. tributes are pouring in from the man who beat spector. >> my daughter was struck with brain cancer at the age of four it was a study that gave her the right chemo therapy and now 11 years old and going on 22 because of specter. >> you could mention him in the same breadth as kennedy and others. >> gretchen: arlene specter was 82 years old. >> steve: can the administration take credit for the killing of bin laden? and trying to wash its hands
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of responsibility in libya. >> folks i have a bumper sticker for you. osama bin laden is dead. the intelecommunity told us that and they changed their assess am. >> brian: can they have it both ways. >> gretchen: swinging from a high bar, at the edge of a cliff 4,000 feet up . what can go wrong with no padding. over on the side. my goodness. ♪ ♪ jenna shared her recipe with sharon, who emailed it to emily, who sent it to cindy, who wondered why her soup wasn't quite the same.
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the recipe's not the recipe... ohhh. [ female announcer ] ...without swanson. the broth cooks trust most when making soup. mmmm! [ female announcer ] the secret is swanson. two. three. my credit card rewards are easy to remember. with the bankamericard cash wards credit card, i earn 1% cash back everywhere, every time. [ both ] 2% back on groceries. [ all ] 3% on gas! no hoops to jump through. i earn more cash back on the things i buy most. [ woman in pet store ] it's as easy as... [ all ] one! -two. -[ all ] three! [ male announcer ] the bankamericard cash rewards credit card. apply online or at a bank of america near you. c'mon, michael! get in the game! [ male announcer ] don't have the hops for hoops with your buddies?
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>> the white house is not shy for taking credit for the special intelligence that killed osama bin laden . now blaming the intelligence committee for the terrorist
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attack in libya. pete, you have a problem with both issues geling with the same administration? >> you can't have it both ways, leadership by definition when things go well you share the credit . when things don't go well you accept the blame. when bin laden was captured. you heard from the podium. i, i, i, the president taking credit rather than putting the spotlight on those who pulled the trigger on bin laden . then in the intelligence, the white house steps back, it is the intelligence committee giving us information that was wrong. there were assessments that it was not a spontanous attack and a coordinated attack to kill the ambassador, it is bad leadership across the board.
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>> brian: 230 incidents and the attacks in 2012 in libya alone for you not to be aware that that is a hot spot, it is unthinkable. the cia, how do they feel about that. and the state department not telling people there is an issue and now they have to worry about their own reputation. >> imagine being an intelligence officer and they don't like it, they throw you under the bus . if you are trying to gather sources and execute in the fields, imagine trying to do that. we have a pakistani doctor in jail and good luckk trying to recruit sources. this administration is throwing people under the bus to save their own skin if they need to. >> brian: there is a youtube
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video trying to get anger on the video. this is significant, if you look at what happened and what guys like you said about terror activitis and how seriouslyy they take religious attacks as opposed to the death of the civilians. >> this video was perpetuated from the top as if it was responsible for the particular attacks. we need to stand up for the fact that america is a place where freedom of speech and religious expression is valued. they should twist it and say someone disrespect the profit. that is america and that's what you do to get a chance to say your piece. >> steve: and why is zal hiri
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alive? >> you should be able to get everyone in the web. but because we talked the rats scurried. and that is the ramification of leak letting that intelligence out. >> brian: thank you so much. see you next week. his grandfather met with every president since harry truman. the grandson of billy gralam underway. shocking news about global warming just in. [ male announcer ] every day, thousands of people
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>> brian: global warming ended 16 years ago according to new data that shows average temperatures have not gone up. before that temperatures were declining. 16 years is too short of a time span to draw final conclusions. wow. felix baumgartner successfully jumping from 24 miles above earth and smashing the time barrier. it took four minutes to reach speeds of 845 miles per hour. he was the only one to do that. >> steve: that we know of. last week billy graham had a face to face for mitt romney. he asked him to pray for him.
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>> gretchen: the grandson of reverend billy graham and author of glorious ruin and how suffering sets you free. telvian. >> brian: no one gets it right. >> gretchen: thank you for being here. what more can you tell us about the meeting and the quote that came out afterwards that your grandfather said i will do all i can to help you and you can quote me on na. >> i don't know much about the meeting. i know it happened but i was not at the meeting. he has befriended and pastor prayed for presidents, both republican and democrat presidents for years and years and years now. many of them have looked to him as a friend and advisor and spir yitual counselor . he doesn't tell us who he
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votes for. i think he got in trouble years ago when he endorsed cand dates and what i understand it was a good meeting and i know he has a lot of respect for governor romney. >> steve: that has to be daunting for your grafather, world leaders look to him. >> just a little bit daunting. i am glad i don't have that job. >> gretchen: you write about glorious ruin and how pain sets you free and that's your new book. i want to go through point to help folks out. starting with minimizing. what do you mean by that? >> tipecally when we deal with pain and suffering, suffering is not just big stuff. it is tension and relational and anxiety and all of those things . typically we have to figure out ways to cope with it. and a lot of people minimize
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it it is not as bad as it looks . we figure out ways to shrink it and make it more digestible and we don't look at the dark reality of brokenness. one of the ways we cope with it, we minimize it >> steve: you say don't do it or moralizing it? >> that's what job's friends. say good people get good stuff and bad people get bad stuff and you are getting bad stuff, what did you do wrong? that is a dim simplistic way of looking at suffering. suffering is complex. i am a pastor and awn people inside of the church, offering pat answers to simplistic pat answers to suffering and it is much more complex . so the book it a realistic honest look at brokenness which everybody in our world
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deals with. we are broken people lifing with a broken world and the book is my attempt to set people free by helping them look honestly. >> gretchen: i love the topic. people say i can deal with it. comparing at least my pain is more or less than hearse. you say that is not the best way of fix let me tell you how to get over this problem. and rationalization and it was never a good marriage anyway. >> the fixing part is a big deal. looking at suffering as a way to improve ourselves. it say tool for self improve that is a way to hanchess it to get better and over the hump and something like that. and the fact of the matter is, we are dealing with complex issues. there are no pat answers and
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so it is. it is the most important thing i have done so far. >> steve: that is great. >> it touches everybody. >> steve: because everyone suffers. everybodiurt hads. check out the new book. it is call the "glorious run". >> thank you for having me. >> gretchen: the candidates gearing up for tomorrow's debate. they are both concerned about the moderator. >> steve: more candy. and a stunt goes horribly wrong on a high bar. perched on a 4000 cliff, you got to see what happens after he goes down the side. >> gretchen: happy birthday to richard carpenter. he's 66. >> steve: rainy days and mondays. ♪ . ♪ and when the evening comes we smile. ♪
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you can't argue with nutrition you can see. great grains. great grains cereal starts whole and stays whole. see the seam? more pcessed flakes look nothing like natural grains. i'm eating what i kn is better nutrition. mmmm. great grains. search great grains and see for yourself. >> steve: time for your shot in the morning, want to know how the candidates spend their sunday. obama was in virginia prepping for the debate. governor romney and his wife ann went to church services in massachusetts and devoted the rest of the day to practicing
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for the debate. >> brian: what is knew. there is a town format. >> gretchen: kelly wright life in washington will explan? >> good morning to you. they will be answering questions not only from the moderator but also from people in the audience. the second round of the presidential debate will be done in a town hall style meeting and both candidates are in full preparation mode. president obama knows he better bring the a-game and has to rebound from the first performance which critics said was lack luster. the president is preparing for round two. the president said it is going well. the obama campaign advisors said the president will show more passionate energy as he
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will show a distinction between he and governor romney. >> he will be aggressive in making the case for his view of where we should go in the country and it is growing with the middle class. >> governor romney is going through debate prep. he went to church with his family . the republican nominee will be prepared for any adjustments that the president will make in tomorrow's debate. >> this is a big choice election and the fact is, what we saw. even if he changes his style and political tactic that the president settles on in the best interest. he can't change his record and policy. >> the town hall debate takes place in hofstra university in
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long island, new york. they know how critical it is for the campaign. there will be three weeks until election day. both men know they can't afford to lose any ground. back to you. >> steve: tomorrow night people in the town hall, people are selected by the gallup organization . moderator four years ago was tom brockaw. he took a lot of flact. after the people asked a question or two and tom brokaw asked his own questions, not so many people got to ask questions . given what the moderator said on her own channel. people from both campaigns are saying she will be an activist and not a moderator. >> gretchen: i thought both of the lawyers were after several
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interviews that candy crawley she said i am going to ask questions once the table is set by the town hall questionnaire i will say hey, what about x, y, z. that sounds subtle enough. but look at what the debate commission set out as the guidelines, it said the moderator will not ask follow up or comment on questions and answers of the candidates. they are supposed to give two minute responses and additional discussion is facilitated by candy crawley. did this come as a result of tom brokaw? and is it tough for a moderator say you can't ask ups. >> brian: only hope we have she will say. who is your best talk show
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host romney or obama. the only hope we have. let the person ask the question. it is not like you are better and you have to phrase it better. if she follows up. if you talk about taxs and benghazi and talk about this. they will skate over these issues. we have seen the town halls. our eyes are going to roll in oured has. >> steve: she does redirect and try to focus them. >> brian: no. >> steve: but the idea tom brokaw went so overboard. the big question are they screened by the people in the town hall. do we know that yet? sorry. we can't confirm that. they are reportedly precreened. to me that is the most important thing. they are likelyy voters and selected by gall up. >> brian: who have not made up their mind. >> gretchen: are those
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questions prescreened f. the moderator is taken out of the equation supposedly. >> brian: look at the polls is two weeks since the debate that changed everything and the debate that changed everything. the daily tracking poll rasmussen has it up to. and most polls show >> steve: there is a brand new battlefield pol out this morning romney leads in the battle ground 50-48 and plus with independents he is up by 8 and that is why it is how the debates go. >> brian: still trail nothing most ohio polls. the rest of the headlines. >> steve: a 15 year old from alabama fighting for his life after a prank went horribly wrong. they were alone at the home of the grandmother of one of the boys . he pretended to be an intruder
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hiding in the closest. he was shot by one of his friends. he was rushed to the hospital. cops say no adults were present and alcohol and drugs were not involved. the police officer recovered several guns from the house and so far, no charges were filed. >> gretchen: goals set for students based on the race? the highest percentage percentages for asian students and lowest for black students. the school board said not all student -- is that seriously happening there? that sounds not current in 2012. >> brian: traveling for work could be bad for your health. there is a number of stress-related health problems and research brings more.
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and they were survey in the top of the list lost or delayed luggage and having an internet connection. >> steve: a man swinging from a high bar on the edge of the cliff. watch this. the mettle bar is going to collapse and sending the base jumper head first off of a 4,000 foot drop. luckily, the man was wearing a parra chute and he did escape unharmed . down below. >> gretchen: was that supposed to break. >> steve: he's wearing a parra chute. >> gretchen: that's a stunt brian might check out. >> steve: maybe. you are doing sports? >> brian: out of time. 92 another day and another excuse from the white house for what happened in libya.
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>> the president talked about what the white house knew. there are embassy and requests that go to the state department professionals. >> steve: so what if the president was a republican, would the main stream media pay more attention. that's coming up next. >> gretchen: you like to stand out in the crowd? these dogs do that and they are the rarest breeds in the world and with us today. ♪ born to be wild. ♪ [ male announcer ] extreme environments can cause a spontaneous change in dna,
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resulting in unexpected power and agility. introducing the all-new, all-powerful gator rsx 850i. sixty-two horsepower, a fully independent multilink suspension and a top speed of 53 miles per hour. it's a whole new species of gator. see just how much the gator has evolved at >> gretchen: welcome back. in less than three hours a self proclaimed 9/11 master mind and conspiritors go before the court. >> this is a court date 11 years in the making. they will begin with pretrial motions. they have to get through
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before the trial can begin. we are talking about the trial of kalid sheik mohammed alleged master find of the 9/11 terror attacks. they face conspiracy and murder and terrorism and face the death penalty. what is going to happen starting today is pretrial motions and they will talk about how much if classified information will be used in the trial itself. the defense is claiming that information would be helpful to their clines. those who can watch it happen and unfold is limited. only victims of 9/11 family members and first responders can see it in four different military sites like this one. again, that will get underway. let's take it back to you. >> gretchen: thank you very much . now we'll go to steve. >> steve: thank you, gretch. the libya terrorist attack.
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>> the vice-president talked about what the white house knew. there are embassy and installations all over the world and the request go to the security professional state department. there is no doubt that some of the matters went in the security department at the state security agency in the state department. but it didn't come to the white house. that's what the vice-president responded to. >> there is an effort by president obama and vice-president biden that it was secretary clinton and the state department that you ought to look at and critize and questioning here as opposed to us. >> steve: so what if this was a republican administration? would a like this receive different attention from the main stream media. for a fair and balanced debate. we are joined by our administrate gist. and pete nider. good morning to both of you.
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>> good morning, steve. >> steve: yesterday axelrod and company talked about how the thing is so political and mitt romney made it that way. but if there is a cover up and it looks to many that there has been. doesn't it make good sense that we get to the woman of who knew what and when including the president. >> i think you are right to get to the bottom of this, it is important to investigate and not speculate about what took place in libya. when i think about other administrations and whether they are republican or democrat, i think back october 23rd 1982. an attack in a marine barracks in the reagan administration. that was not just not politicalized. we mourned the tragic loss of americans and what caused that event. >> i don't think there were calls for more security at the
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embassy that she's referring to in the bomb denied by the state department. that makes this ripe for criticism. >> i find it appalling as every day passes, there are more excuse exercise more inconsistencies and more questions coming out of the administration. i find it disgusting that joe biden stood in front of the nation and looked at paul rhine and the moderator and said they didn't know about the request for more security. when is "we" used by the administration? joe biden said michele and barack and i didn't know it? the sitting president means we, they mean the united states government. i find trouble on "fox news sunday" bob woodward. when he said something is troubling that is frankly
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alarming. >> steve: don't you think if it was a republican scandal, the main stream media would be over it in >> i don't necessarily believe that. the attack on libya or in lebanon. >> steve: this is ridiculous. the new york times, the new york times. their ombuds man. >> the important thing if it was a cover up they wouldn't be changing the story. >> they are trying to pass the hot potato to hillary clinton. that is ah pauling and you heard david axelrod saying it was joe biden and president obama didn't know about it thank goodness we chris wallace and laurra ingram . scooter libby had people hanging out of the trees in his driveway. susan rice needs that as well.
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>> steve: we thank you for the spirited debate. state straight ahead. the best watch dog you never heard of. we are introducing to you rarest dog breeds in the world. they are here live. this program is brought to you by: so... [ gasps ] these are sandra's "homemade" yummy, scrumptious bars. hmm? i just wanted you to eat more fiber. chewy, oatie, gooeyness... and fraudulence. i'm in deep, babe. you certainly are. [ male announcer ] fiber one.
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>> the terior and these are gelanto flavors that are dogs. >> gretchen: they are names of dogs and sounds like spumoni. and few of the rare breeds that the american kennel club. gina joins us this morning. that was not fair to put him throughh. >> brian: tell us about the
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breeds. >> this is in the center. 160 breeds of dogs and 52 breeds of cats and an opportunity for everyone to meet. this is native from belgium and they were used to keep the rats and vermin out of the barn yard and they are friend leap and adorable and greatt pets. >> gretchen: we go to a small to big. a terier a breed from england. this is a spunomi. this is italian sporting breed. can and has thick, thick skin. >> brian: you shoot the bird and he bring its back. >> it is an all purpose hunting dog and great swimmers. >> gretchen: and now to the
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dog that looks like a lamb. >> it is a brave docile breed. they were bred by coal miners in leng andand they are fast and agil. >> we have the habanese which is the native breed of cub a. with a long silky colt that keeps it cool in the summer. it is very, very friendly dog and comes in all variety of the colors. >> brian: this is all part of meet the breeds. >> this week from 10 to 5. go on line to meet the if you are looking to add one to your life style, it is important to know about them. >> gretchen: he is sleeping. >> he is a baby. >> gretchen: thank you for bringing your beautiful pets this morning. >> gretchen: coming up on "fox
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and friends", a plane breaks up midflight. >> and voters don't care about the party but wants a better economy. donald trump has a message and a brandd new aprentising up. don't go away .
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ladies and gentlemen the windshield blew out. we take that on an airplane . >> brian: he's taking a break from the top secret to join us on the couch.
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and chris o'donnell here live . "fox and friends" starts just about now. >> gretchen: pretrial hearings begin for the self protessed master mind khalid sheik mohammed. at issue is the public having a right to know what happened to the men over the yearrs. and whether the u.s. constitution aplyies at gitmo. all five are expected to attend in person. relatives who lostt loved ones
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on 9/11 can watch in military site in four states. the actual trial will not take place until next year. imagine you are flying an airplane and the pilot said his winings blew out. it happened on a flight from tampa to arizona. >> we didn't know how bad it was until we touched down and the pilot came out and looked shook up. >> gretchen: for a look at how bad the crack was. despite the damage he safely landed in albuquerque. the cabin never lost pressure or any of the crew or passengers were hurt. another plane was sent to bring them on to phoenix. feeling the pain in the pump. mitt romney saying the president failed the country. >> why was gasoline twice the price as when he came in and he cut in half the number of
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permits for drilling in public land and said no to the key stone pipe line. >> gretchen: mr. romney championed the key stone pipe line as part of his plan on energy. many say it is it a job creator and would lower gas prices. the obama campaign said romney's plan is devoid of specifics or concrete steps to decrease our energy independence. instead the policiless would take us back ward. the current pain at the pump is up 74 cents are from last year. martha raddex admighting what many of us know about joe biden. >> thank heavens the sanctions are in place. >> gretchen: the vice-president debate moderator said biden was too big. she said it was an intimate
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setting and it was clearr biden acted like he was in a campaign event. those were your head lines. >> steve: donald trump joins us live. >> good morning >> chris: what did you think about martha who hosted the last debate where she said joe biden was too big. >> i am surprised. i thought biden was being biden. he did reasonably well and both of them did well and i am surprised that the moderator said that? >> brian: you thought joe biden saved the ticket and got them back above water. >> i thought they did both well. and biden did fine compared to the president. the president was a disaster and who is to say that the president in two weeks meaning on tuesday will get so much better. i mean, you know, he had two weeks to recoverr, i doubt he will be much better.
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>> gretchen: he missed three practtises and so he's practicing in camp david. >> he will need practtis desperately. >> gretchen: were you offended by biden laughing off in a condescending fascion with paul ryan? >> i was not offended. frankly for him it was effective and a way from getting away from the real fact which is how badlyy the economy and country is doing and libya, a catastrophe and shouldn't have helped the rebels. they are talking about the cover up but the bigger scandal is why we are in there in the first place. >> brian: we'll go over the actual attacks taking place. an ied was thrown in the counce cons. and then motorcade attacks and gunman attacked a consulate in tunisia and burned our flag
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and red cross building gets slammed. is it plaussible that the vice-president and the president doesn't know about the security risk in libya and there were 230 separate incidents from 2011 to 2012? when you heard the vice-president say that what does that tell you about leadership? >> the count rye is incompetently led. a bad manager doesn't know what is going on in his country or company it is plausible because we are so incompetent. is it really plsible. they are so bad and so incompetent and i guess it would be plausible. >> steve: when you look in these pictures, disturbing as they always are when you know what happened there. donald, there is a headline on forbes. pantos fire and obama scrambles for cover as
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benghazi lie explodes. has this turned into. you have been talking about and and what appears to be a cover up. is this potentially a game changer when it comes to the election? >> i don't think so. i don't see the people and everybody out there looking at this the same way they should be. i think a much bigger scandal is why did we help the rebel a.>> the beautiful gun and sounds so romantic, that is garbage . why did we help the rebel a.>> these are the people running the country now and they are not our friendds. that's a cover up. >> gretchen: senator mccain was in favor of that and the administration. >> i was not in favor. >> gretchen: i know many people weren't. >> and i said if we do help them keep the oil and then we can help. we excuse me gretchen, we get nothing out of the anything.
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we fight wars and end up with nothing. >> gretchen: i know we are where we are now. >> veryy sad. >> gretchen: who sha should bear the responsibility of this? the state department or president. >> it is always the person on the top. the president is the president and he's our leader for better or worse. he's our leader and he has to bear responsibility. >> steve: donald, he threw hillary clinton under the bus and threw susan rice under the bus. and joe biden said we didn't know about it? >> that was unbelievable. >> steve: unbelievable. >> it was rather unbelievable. >> steve: it comes down to the electionn three weeks from tomorrow and there was a profile in the new york post yesterday of a couple of spring voters out in the state of ohio. it is interesting, they are less interested in a lott of stuff, but they are really interested in the economy.
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>> right, as most people are. and that's why when you asked me about libya. i said libbia will not playy a big role. it shows incompetence. but the thing that will play a big role will be the economy. >> gretchen: look at a couple of undecided ohio voters that are concerned about the economy. these are the people who will pay attention. this is jen adams and voted democrat for the first time . hasn't seen positive changes in four years and thinks that her vote doesn't matter. >> brian: you are crazy in ohio to think it doesn't matter. and an undecided voters on permanent disability and lost his home and blames the government in general. how do you get to those people. >> you got to get out and this is the last few weeks and the ballgame is wells. i was so impressed with the
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debate. i think he will do great tomorrow night and i think he will do great. and he's a smart guy and good debator. but he's a very smart guy and i think he will do glate. >> brian: we have indication that the president will walk out with wall street and main street thing and call out mitt romney on what he said untruth that is he spouted out. how would you prepare at all if you are governor romney. >> i don't thinkk he has to prepare too much. he is very, i know him well. he is a smart guy and a good leader. he has it and he get its for the country and i will say this. if obama has a performance like a couple of weeks ago, i don't believe it is possible for him to win the electionn. >> gretchen: no way he will come out. >> did he become more
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intelligent in the last two weeks? you tell me. i don't know how he can have a performance like that and expect to win. how could anybody be so stupid to vote for him if he performs like that. there is a lot of pressure on obama and a lot more pressure . he doesn't want to lose the boeing. >> brian: unemployment going down and consumer confidence going up. how does donald trump. >> if they are not real numbers. jack welch said it was not. 7.8 is not the real number. 15% and 21 percent is the real number. i don't know how they allow it to get out there. as you are sitting there after the election. that number will be corrected substantially upward and everybody knows it. >> steve: comes down to 3week
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one day for today. donald trump. thank you . have a good week. >> brian: bye. >> gretchen: first the president campaigned in the libya attack. he missed intelligence meetings. is he putting politics before proprietaryies. we report and you decide. >> brian: and liberal hollywood not liking it. my doctor told me calcium
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>> brian: president obama closest advisors are doing major damage control this hour as more and more reports seem to indicate the president put his campaign ahead of national security in the wake of the libyan attacksment remember? >> the president made a
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statement and then he went to a fund-raiser or a campaign stop in nevada. question? before he went to the fund-raiser in nevada, did he meet with his national security council to try to sort out the shifting stories -- >> irrelevancy shower you the president was in contact with all those who had information and responsibility in the national security chain. >> brian: what do you think? is the president putting politics ahead of the more priorities? why don't we get a straight answer? that was a yes or no question. joining us is the national security columnist for the washington times, bill durst. he didn't say yes because the answer wasn't yes. he didn't get a briefing september 12, did he? >> no, i don't think he did. even if he did, there is what they call a watch center in the white house that gets all of the intelligence reports from all the u.s. agencies, including the state department. >> brian: when you saw the vice president say, we weren't told
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about a need for a bolstering of security, we didn't know anything about a terrorist attack, what does bill say? >> i say it's unbelievable if he didn't know, he should have known. the president should have known. the national security advisor knows. as i say, they get reports. whenever a report comes from the embassy in libya from the c.i.a., they go directly into the watch center at the national security council. so that information was there. so for the vice president to say that is totally outrageous. >> brian: it's outrageous to not plausible because there have been over 200 attacks in a year and threats in some way, shape or form in that country against our interests or britain's interests. the intelligence community was tossed under the fire when the vice president said those things and david axelrod said these things. how do they feel about that? >> i can tell you i've talked to a number of officials and there is a lot of anger. they feel that they have been politicized that, this
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information was out there. and it's not just the surge in al-qaeda in both egypt and libya. it's also iranian paramilitaries, the iranian intelligence, they're all over the region. one official said that al-qaeda and the iranians are rampant in both egypt and libya. and this was known well in advance of the attack of september 11. >> brian: that didn't talk about the cyber attacks that went after our banking system and saudi oil system. look at the briefing attendance. 43% in the first 125. possibly leaving for nevada the day the attack. so without knowing any of the details, his most egregious error. >> it's clear the president is in campaign mode. we're a month out from -- less than month out from the election. so that's really dominating it. my understanding of the way the national security council is working is that they've been cut out. most of the staff. it's basically tom donnellan, valerie jarrett and the campaign
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in chicago that's running our foreign policy and national security policy. >> brian: their qualifications? >> well, it's a political thing. i think if you look at axelrod yesterday, he's not is that government official. why is a campaign official speaking for the u.s. government? this is a political operative. his credibility is very low. where is petraeus and the secretary of state? where is tom donnellan? where is john brennan? let's hear from these people? >> brian: if you want to recount how they killed bin laden, they'll answer your call. thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> brian: next up, cuts to s the next check might not be what you expected. then he's known as the human calculator. but he hasn't seen gretchen's skills yet. we'll reveal the chalk board behind them and put them both to the test ♪
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>> steve: news bit numbers on this monday. 205, that's how much cases of meningitis have spread across the country at this point. 15 people have died in the outbreak after being injected with a tainted steroid shot that was made in massachusetts. next, 2%. that's the only increase social security recipients can expect to get next year. only 2%. that is the smallest bump in nearly 40 years. finally, 22 1/2 million. that's how much taken to the movie brought in over the weekend at the box office, followed by "argo" and "sinister." gretch? >> gretchen: speak of numbers, he holds the guiness world record for adding the same
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number. let's see how he does on our pop math quiz. joining me is the humanity calculator. scott. good to see you. number one. 49 times 76. >> 3724. >> gretchen: wait, wait. 49 times 76. he's right! the next one is 533 divided by 7. >> 76.14285714. >> gretchen: oh, my gosh. he is right. crazy. what's the cube root of 185,193. >> 57. >> gretchen: i don't even now how to put that in the calculator. how do you have this in your head in. >> i had a gift for numbers ever since i was a child.
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but today i want to introduce a simple exercise to your audience that i believe will revolutionize the relationship between people and their brains. it will give teachers and parents a chance to share that will make every student feel like a math athlete. everyone, think of your age. now, add those two digits together. everybody should get a total. take the total and now subtract total from your age. now you'll get an answer. add those two digits together and you get -- >> gretchen: i know what you're going to say. magic 9. why is it so important? >> we're teaching kids to memorize. they haven't experienced arithmetic. we're teaching them to memorize their math facts so the kids get the right answer, the teachers get paid, the parents are happy and they move them on of the
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then when they learn algebra, it falls apart. this simple thing about every number going down to 9 is something i discovered that i believe is the missing chapter in math. if every kid would learn this when they're nine years old, every number on the planet earth would go back to their age. it would make them feel their every number is their friend, create number sense. >> gretchen: sort with zero instead of 1. >> i teach kids to go 0, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. when you turn on a calculator, it turns at zero. that's what we need to do. >> gretchen: one of the fun things to get people into math is the in october. >> tuesday ask wednesday, we find the best math athletes. first place is ipad. they race for 60 seconds at a time against three other students. randomly by age and speed. they get points and prizes for how they do in the races. over tomorrow and wednesday,
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we'll find some of the best math athletes in america. my job is to celebrate them like our athletes. >> gretchen: you're challenging president obama and mitt romney to that as well? >> i beg the people running for the most important office, and the running mates and the members of congress because we have a math challenge in america and that's our national debt. i wonder if anybody in congress can do arithmetic. nobody can keep track of the interest, no less the payments and debts we're going through. tuesday, do your debates. but wednesday, i hope everybody in congress and the presidential running mates will take ten minutes and do ten, one minute races against nine-year-old kids. we won't reveal any embarrassing scores. >> gretchen: i want to see the score. >> so please, i'm begging everybody, push it to your politicians, to do ten minutes on the american math challenge
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on wednesday. let's see if they can do it. >> gretchen: we'll see if they can. the human calculator, scott, great to see you. >> always a pleasure. >> gretchen: coming up on "fox & friends," sarah palin revealing her future aspirations for president. the brand-new hint she just dropped. then tim allen has a home improvement idea for the white house, but not everybody is going to like it i'm so glad you called. thank you.
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♪ thank you for the job you do so well ♪ >> brian: now your shot of the morning. touch moments with former president george w. bush dancing with a wounded warrior, melissa stockwell, the first woman to lose a limb in combat. it was taken at an event last spring for his wounded warrior 1,000 k bike tour but reposted hundreds of times in the last 24 hours. i thought i missed it. i saw that. i didn't know it was an old picture. >> steve: i know. >> gretchen: he was pennsylvania's longest serving senator and clashed with both democrats and republicans. but the country now mourning the loss of senator arlen specter who passed away yesterday from cancer. heather has more on his legacy
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and she joins us. >> good morning to you. arlen specter is being remembered as someone who never stopped fighting, overcoming two previous battles with cancer, brain tumor, surviving cardiac arrest, and then continuing to work all at the same time. specter was a son of jewish immigrants and he graduated from yale law school. his career began in the early 1960s as assistant district attorney in philadelphia. he would also serve on the warren commission and claimed credit for developing the theory that a single bullet killed president kennedy. he was elected in the senate in 1980 and served five terms. he took part in 14 different supreme court confirmation hearings, specter helped democrats successfully oppose robert bourque in 1987. that really enraged some conservatives. a few years later, he backed clarence thomas. in 2009, he was just one of three republicans to vote for president obama' stimulus plan. he shocked colleagues by leaving
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the republican party. he have also cast a key vote in favor of obamacare. despite the full backing of the white house, he would go on to lose in the democratic primary. >> it has been a great privilege to have had a voice for the last 30 years in the great decisions of our day. >> the tributes continue to pour in, including from the man who beat arlen sector in that primary. >> my daughter was struck with brain cancer at the age of four, it was a study, it hents even been plead, that gave her the right chemotherapy that now she's going on 22 because of arlen specter. >> he was one of the giants of the senate. you can mention him in the same breath as ted kennedy, strom thurmond and others. >> that says a lot. george w. bush says he served his country with integrity and president obama says that he was a fighter whose toughness and determination helped to inspire others. arlen specter, 82 years old,
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services are being held in pennsylvania tomorrow. >> steve: all right. thank you very much. born in wichita, kansas and grew up in russell, kansas, the home of bob dole. >> brian: he's been on this couch a couple of times and on the radio for a while. >> steve: 25 minutes before the top of the morning. she did not throw her hat in the ring this time around, but former alaska governor sarah palin won't rule out running for president some day. >> we have a good track record, having served in the past local, state level of government, really engaging in the reentwhistleless reform that's needed, clean up ethics and reining in the growth of government. i think i could put some of that experience to good use on a national level. >> steve: asked if she would consider an all female ticket, palin said, quote, wouldn't that be cool? it would be. >> brian: i think secretary of energy if romney gets in. north carolina's university
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student government vote to go kick a chick-fil-a restaurants off campus. elan movement claims the chain's violates its policies. they wouldn't be the first cool to cut ties with them. duke university and another did so earlier. in response to the chain's stance on same sex marriage, the final decision on the proposed ban will be made by school administrators. >> gretchen: an airport bomb threat all started when a passenger was making bomb jokes with his friend. police said they're not finding it funny. they arrested the man who claimed he had a bomb in his luggage and he's facing charges. the hoax forced the main terminal to be evacuated in alaska. passengers had to stand outside in the snow and freezing temperatures for three hours. >> steve: remember the days when people would find their baby -- name their babies after their great, great grandmothers and stuff like that? forget about that. now parents are inspired by the stars. check out this new list of the
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most popular celebrity baby names coming in at number one, ivy, major jay-z and beyonce's daughter. second place, hattie for tory spelling's daughter. emery and flynn and levi. , the name of matthew mcconaughey's son. or you can just be like brian kilmeade and name your son after yourself. >> brian: right. frank zappa stole my name, moon unit. let me tell you what's happening in the world of sports. incredible weekend. the cardinals not wasting time in taking game one. they jumped out to an early lead. that's never safe. they held off a late rally to win 6-4 in game two. that should be a great series. the bombers flanked by detroit in their first playoff game without derek jeter. they beat the yankees to take a 2-0 lead.
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game 3 tomorrow night. it's hard to see things more stacked against the yankees. now let's talk football. tackle football. we don't have the flag stuff on tape. packers pounding the texans 42-24 to hand them their first loss last night. a career high. check out this amazing catch for the falcons as we look at the best catch of the day. hanson's helmet, still grabs it, makes the grab. falcons beat the raiders. the only undefeated team left in football. this from the side line. nothing to do with the player. >> i had an interesting talk with offensive coordinator -- >> brian: it's hard to look cool when you get nailed by surprise with a football the nfl network taking a football to the face against the packers-texans game of the he was okay and a total pro.
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he kept on talking. and coming up on radio in a short while between 9 and noon, ed henry, we have bret baier and we have somebody else really important. >> gretchen: okay. >> steve: that sounds good. >> gretchen: usually you have a star studded list. >> brian: yes, we do. >> gretchen: speak of stars. >> steve: yep. tim allen, you know him. one of the most success of the sitcom stars of all time. he's currently got a new sitcom on abc. it's been out for a while called "last man standing." you know what he's doing which is rare in hollywood? in seems like so many people there lean so far to the left, they only make fun of the republicans. as it turns out on the tim allen show, he's actually making fun of barak obama. in an upcoming episode just a couple of days before the election where he tries to talk his daughter into voting for mitt romney. >> brian: who is 18. >> gretchen: he plays the uber conservative character, mike
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baxter, trying to persuade her. apparently this is one of the jokes. the democrats will tax your inheritance and probably use that money to throw gay weddings for illegal aliens. he gets all three groups in one phrase. he tells his teen that, who thinks bill clinton's mother is secretary of state, no, sir his wife. >> brian: mitt romney -- republicans got good news. lindsay lohan decided to support governor romney. that will be a big boost. >> steve: because lindsey says employment is important. >> brian: right. she hasn't had a job in 2 1/2 years. >> steve: also, we should point out that according to the story in the "new york post," apparently keep in mind there are jokes about mitt romney and the president as well. but the people at standards and practices at abc said no, you can not call the president a communist. so they put a line through that. >> brian: tried to get the canned laughter to follow. next, brace yourself f congress can't get its act together, your tax bill will go up no matter how much you make. stuart varney breaking down those numbers next. why else would he?
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>> gretchen: he's taking a breck from his work on ncis: los angeles to join us on the couch. actor chris o'donnel here. >> steve: first, folks, play along. born on this date in 1959, this celebrity chef is most famous for his cajun cooking. be the first to e-mail us with the correct answer. you'll be the winner today [ male announcer ] when this hotel added aflac to provida better benefits package... oahhh! [ male announcer ] it made a big splash with the employees. [ duck yelling ] [ male announcer ] find out more at... [ duck ] aflac! [ male announcer ] ♪ ha ha!
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>> brian: house oversight committee darrell issa is the chairman probing to defense companies like boeing to see if the white house told them to break the law by laying off workers without notice. the warren act prevents mass layoffs without notification. but those companies have agreed to hold off on pink slip warnings as long as the government will handle the legal bills if they are sued. issa says the legal fees would be covered by taxpayer dollars. seems wrong on many levels. top actors who pled the president and the first lady now
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invitessed to party with the real president and first lady at a fund-raiser this week in new york city. stars on the list include james earl jones and sam waterston. tickets cost $5,000. steve? >> steve: all right. thank you very much. you got it sit down for this because if congress cannot get its act together soon, that's how much money could be tacked on to your tax bill. $3,500 for the average american family. >> gretchen: the question is, why do we keep getting to this point with politicians holding your paycheck hostage? joining us is the host of varney and company, stuart varney, who i just learned, his two least favorite words, fiscal cliff. >> yes, your eyes glaze overment fiscal cliff? are you kidding me? look, the fiscal cliff is this: massive tax increases and huge spending cuts. that's the fiscal cliff. you go over that cliff and our economy heads south rapidly.
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do we go over that cliff? that's the question. i'll give you an opinion. no, we do not go over that cliff. i can't imagine politicians of either stripe willingly putting america into a recession. i don't think it's going to happen of the but the real answer for the question is this i think it all depends on the election. the election results dictates whether or not our economy slows down, we go over that cliff, or not. >> steve: all right. let's take a look at the two candidates. what happens if barak obama is reelected? n if barak obama is reelected, taxes will go up a little, especially on welfare americans. and there will be significant military spending cuts. that is a partial going over the fiscal cliff. >> steve: also the 3 or 4% included, that hidden tax in obamacare. >> there is all of that. >> steve: so what happens if mitt romney is reelected? >> if he is elected, then tax rates go down and military spending cuts are curtailed and there will be long-term
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entitlement reform. that is not a fiscal cliff. a partial going over the cliff with president obama's second term, no going over that cliff if governor romney is elected to the white house. that is an opinion, of course. it depends entirely on what happens in the house and what happens in the senate and what happens with the election. >> gretchen: i was going to say, because it depends on who the president is, but also the control of the house. right now it's divided between the house and senate. >> it is. well, paul ryan has said he can work with the other side of the aisle to get tax reform. that is a 20% tax in the cut rates that everybody pays. he says he can go a bipartisan agreement to get that if the gop is elected. that's direct contrary to senator schumer who says forget it. we're taxing the rich. that's it. >> steve: that's very interesting. all right. the great stuart varney shows up every day over at the fox business channel. if you're watching about 9:20, poof, there he is. we got a new graphic for you. >> i like it. a young picture of me. [ laughter ]
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>> gretchen: thanks. have a good week. coming up, he is the star of one of the most popular shows in america. ncss: chris o'donnell here next. so come on over. >> steve: he just handed ted, our camera guy, his cup of coffee. back on this day in 1960 was "save the last dance for me" by the drifters [ mother ] you can't leave the table till you finish your vegetables. [ clock ticking ] [ male announcer ] there's a better way... v8 v-fusion. vegetable nutrition they need, fruit taste they love. could've had a v8. or...try kids boxes!
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>> brian: the answer to the aflac trivia question is emeril legace. the winner is katherine from san antonio, texas. congratulations. >> gretchen: he takes on terrorists, defending our
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national security, on the hit show "ncis: los angeles." >> is anyone here? mellow? -- hello? you work here? >> there is customer service there, huh? >> gretchen: chris o'donnell joins us live again this morning. so glad you made it back to the curvy couch. >> good morning. good to be here. >> brian: l.l. cool j, camera hog? [ laughter ] >> he can hog whatever he wants. he's a big dude. >> brian: he is. didn't he bought up an assailant that went into his house? is that true? >> yeah. someone broke into his house. home invasion is never a fun thing. but yeah, the guy, to make it simple, he picked the wrong house to break into. >> steve: we've come a long way in your genre of show. my mom used to call those shoot em up shows. for an hour there would be some shooting. now things are so graphic in real life with so much things and you talk about terrorism and
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stuff like that, all you got to do is read the newspaper. >> a lot of the shows are really ripped from the headlines more than we are. but they tend to connect with some of the issues going on in the real world and certainly we have a lot of story lines in the middle east, that sort of thing. and that's more of a job for the writers to make sure we're being consistent with what's really happening in the world. for us on set every day, we have our technical advisors as far as the way we're entering houses or proceeding against the bad guys. >> steve: got to do it the real way. >> brian: what happened in the middle east? that's what's going on there? i thought we solved all those problems. >> gretchen: do you have special training to be able to do all these things? >> nothing crazy. i've got a good stunt man, fortunately. just handling weapons and that sort of thing. it's not something i spend a lot of time doing in illinois where i grew up. >> steve: you were just talking about how you've got technical advisors on the set. you ever get calls from people like, i don't know, retired navy
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seals or something like that who go, you know, chris, we just simply don't do it like that? >> you do get some of that. but at the same time we have real ones that come to the set all the time to visit. they're so excited because it draws a lot of attention to the agency and we're trying to be as honest as we can about things. but at the same time, you are doing some story telling here and it is hollywood. >> steve: speak of excited, they may be excited, but how excited was your mother when she got the chance to be on your show? >> it was the best phone call she's in a long time. the show runner made a promise to them to let the moms have a little cameo. i thought they were kidding. i said you can't be serious. it was a quick line, it was on. there they are, all the moms. >> gretchen: which is yours? >> right there below me on the right. it was a real thrill for her. that's one thing, only scary thing was sitting this doing interviews with your mom for all the entertainment shows. >> beth: can we see the clip? >> sure. it's not too extensive.
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>> this friday. a member service desk for on-line -- >> excuse me. >> that's what i call two well mannered young men. >> someone certainly taught them well. >> what a handsome couple they are. >> where did that brunette get those legs. >> it was like on the brady bunch when peter and bobby had one line in the play. she was repeating that line all day in the car. >> gretchen: she nailed it. something you want to get out that's important to you is that we should all be educated as adults in getting our flu shots. >> it's flu season. i've been helping raise awareness that it is flu season and time to get out and get your flu shot. i've got five kids at home. you never know what they're bringing in the door. it's so important, especially in our age group, 18 to 64-year-old group, we think we're -- we can't be hurt by the flu. >> brian: you were robin.
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>> exactly. but i always make sure my kids get their shots. i'm not a big fan much needles. buff i did the needle that's 90% smaller than a traditional needle. it's going below the skin. >> steve: my whole family, we had a field trip yesterday, went to walgreen's and all got flu sites and they're tiny. >> that's what it is. it's the same vaccine you've had in the past, but for me, it was a great alternative. i've never been a big fan of needles. but go to, that's where i found out the best base place to get it. it's so important because only a third of adults really go out and get a flu shot every year. yet, everyone is nervous about getting them. you think it's no big deal. but think about young children and the elderly that are really -- it's really dangerous. >> steve: no complaints. the needle is so tiny. >> absolutely. >> brian: your mom is very talented. >> steve: very. >> she's getting lots of offers. >> gretchen: coming up, hearings about to begin at guantanamo bay for the 9-11 mastermind, khalid
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sheikh mohammed. we are there live for you, top of the hour. >> brian: and the obama campaign says the whole libya cover-up thing should be -- should not be an issue? really? dana perino with what's really going on behind the scenes. she knows hey! did you know that honey nut cheerios has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! wow. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy. but i still have a runny nose. [ male announcer ] dayquil doesn't treat that. huh? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus rushes relief to all your worst cold symptoms, plus it relieves your runny nose. [ sighs ] thank you! [ male announcer ] you're welcome. that's the cold truth!
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>> gretchen: good morning, everyone. today is monday, october 15. i hope you had a great weekend. i'm gretchen caron. things for sharing your time with us today. the obama campaign says this whole libya cover-up thing shouldn't be an issue moving forward. >> this is the first u.s. ambassador that has been killed since 1979, susan rice came on this show and five others and gave the american people a story that turned out to not be true and you're saying that we shouldn't discuss this? that we should wait for the investigation to be completed? >> no, no. >> that's what you just said. >> gretchen: dana perino here with what is really going on just moments away. >> steve: meanwhile, the "new york times" under fire for ignoring libya on the front page
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after big hearings on capitol hill. instead, is this news worthy? today on the cover, they've got women skirts getting shorter in north korea. okay. >> brian: stunt goes horribly wrong when a high bar breaks on the edge of a 4,000-foot cliff. people would think why would you put one there. you're donneling the issue. down goes frazier. "fox & friends" starts right now ♪ you ain't nothing but a hound dog ♪ ♪ . >> steve: those are super puppies, aren't they, brian? >> brian: yeah. steve -- >> gretchen: earlier we had on the rare breeds of dogs that you could check out at the american
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kennel club show in new york coming up this weekend. now we have smart puppies. we captain get enough of it. coming up, dana perino, who loves puppies and dogs and she's going to be joining us in a few moments. >> brian: she will train your dog for free. if off dog -- >> steve: she only works one hour a day. she's got plenty of time. >> brian: she can hear you. she's nodding, i'm going to get him. kind of the way geraldo nods. >> steve: those dogs in particular have extreme scents. they're able to -- they got good sniffers. just saying. >> brian: okay. meanwhile, dana will be on shortly. >> gretchen: in one hour, the self proclaimed 9-11 morgan masd and his four co-conspirators are going back to guantanamo bay. >> obama four years ago said that he would close guantanamo bay and here we are four years later and 166 detainees remain. this week we're about to embark
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on a series of pretrial hearings that will set the legal framework for the 9-11 case. last night we had a 90 minute news conference and the defense attorneys made clear is that the most contentious issue this week will be the handling of classified information. they believe the prosecution wants to keep everything out that has to do with the country secret -- c.i.a. secret prison. >> he was subject to do heinous abuse to include 183 sessions of the water board. what that means is that he was brought to the brink of death 183 times by our government. that's a mock execution. >> that attorney referring to khalid sheikh mohammed, or ksm, the self described architect of the attack. they're accused of murdering 3,000 americans on 9-11. one of the defense attorneys said they're being forced to work in substandard work conditions. >> the office that house the administrative part of the office of chief defense counsel
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and the defense offices for khalid sheikh mohammed's lawyers and a variety of other lawyers contains rat feces, rat urine, mold and other environmental toxins. >> that aside, there is a political push to close the detention camp here. when you look around this base, what you see is the camps are up and open for business. what you're seeing here right now is that soccer field we first told but at the end of last year at a cost of $744,000 fort detainees. the chief prosecutor recognizes that the process here is unpopular, but he also says that is the process that was mandated by congress. >> that they're unfair, unsettled, unknown, unbounded, unnecessary and even unamerican and all of these on various occasions i have tried to
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address and show how they are ultimately unfounded. >> just an hour from now, i'll be in the high security courthouse just over my shoulder and if anything happens according to plan here, is that nothing goes according to plan in the courtroom. just as a footnote, there is now real emphasis here on what they call recidivism, the rate of return to the battlefield, especially with the attack in libya. based on our reporting, one of the chief suspects is a form gitmo detainee, who was here until 2007 at which point he was sent back to libya and then ultimately reloosed by the libyan dictator, moammar gadhafi. back to you. >> steve: katherine who we caught at the conclusion of the national anthem, live in gitmo. good morning to you, dana perino. >> good morning. >> steve: the libya thing has turned into a full blown -- it looks to many like there has been a cover-up and now the administration is stonewalling. you say perhaps the president's decision the day after chris stevens was murdered, along with the other brave americans, for the president to go to vegas,
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that next night could be the biggest mistake of the campaign. >> i thought so at the time, that his decision to continue on the campaign trail and give a campaign speech that night, that they didn't understand the gravity of the moment and that they were turning this into a political issue. it is hard for me to believe that they didn't take a decision to say we're not going to have our campaign talk about this official business. they saw david axelrod, saw lots of other people in the past month from the obama campaign talking about national security issues and you haven't seen other people, like where is the dni? where is the c.i.a. director? where is susan rice? >> steve: we want to hear from all of them. they've all been thrown under the bus. >> i think it would have been better to protect the campaign burks also by doing that, they would have guaranteed the integrity of the investigation on the inside of the administration. >> brian: right. we had bill gurtz who broke the story about the president not taking the intelligence briefings, even the day after!
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when david axelrod was asked that directly, he couldn't answer. >> they will say the president gets his briefings all the time, that is true to a point. but when off situation where now we find out that the reason that they were giving, whether they were giving them to president obama or -- as that information evolved, the information involving didn't keep up with the administration's statements, i don't think it is too much to ask that the administration officials, including the vice president, have the information about what they knew and when they knew it, or at least take it seriously enough to not laugh about it on national television. >> gretchen: what happened thursday night during the vice presidential debate was the first question direct to do joe biden about what they did know, about the security increased request coming out of libya and he said, we did not know that. much has been made about the word, we, did that mean the president and himself? did that mean the entire administration? obviously not the state department because the day before, they testified they did know about those requests. >> so when you use the word we, as the press secretary, you
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typically are talking about the add m. the next day the president's spokesperson tried to hive off the president and vice president and said they didn't know. well, one, that is hard to take. also, how bad was the prep for vice president biden if that story about the state department briefing was on the front page of the newspaper and he didn't know what they had said? it's hard for me to believe that anybody is actually taking that seriously. that's why they continue to have this problem. they could have handled this a lot better, but they made this bed and now they have to lie in it. >> steve: it's getting worse. if you saw david axelrod with chris wallace yesterday where axelrod and company, they're trying to say, look, it's not about us. mitt romney and paul ryan are making this a campaign issue, not us. here is some of the exchange, then more from her. >> there is no doubt that he's working hard to exploit this issue and i would point to the fact that this morning in bloomberg news, chris stevens' dad said that he regretted that
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people were trying to exploit this issue and i think we ought to follow the lead of the ambassador's family and allow this investigation to run and get to the bottom of it and make the adjustments that are necessary. by the way -- >> wait, wait, wait, david, wait, wait. this is the first u.s. ambassador that has been killed since 1979, susan rice came on this show and five others and gave the american people a story that turned out to not be true and you're saying that we shouldn't discuss this? that we should wait for the investigation to be completed? >> no, no. >> that's what you just said. >> that's calm down. that's obviously not what i'm saying. >> steve: do you think axelrod had something to do with soup rice going out on the sunday shows saying it was spontaneous? >> i don't know. that's a great question. i think all of those questions deserve some answers. i agree, i don't want the ambassador to become a political football. buff i think you can separate that and say, let's just say this happened last year before the republican primary had even
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started taking place. let's say there was no politics involved. don't you think the american people, after going through 9-11 and all of the changes, the resources that we have dedicated to figuring out how to share information and intelligence, that we should know -- do we have it that wrong that the administration is not talking to one another to prevent a terrorist attack on american citizens in another country? what i would hope is we could figure out what happened so that no other american ever has to go through this. >> gretchen: the second part of that question is, is it the other side of the fence which is the administration did know about it, but because we are so close to an election and they wanted to stay on message with killing osama bin laden and the fact that al-qaeda is beyond us now and behind us, could it be that that's why they sent out the message that they did? >> that's what it looks like. if go to weekly standard and there is other places, including bret baier had on his show, but the time line of all the different statements that came out, they actually just logically, if you look at t they don't add up. >> gretchen: the president was saying, i asked for that about his comments.
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as far as september 20, which was nine days after the attack, he answered, well, we don't know yet and we're going to continue to investigate this. >> direct contrast to what the state department testified, which is that they knew in the hours -- aftermath of the hours that they knew about it. so at what point does the director of national intelligence tell the white house that their information was evolving? did they not tell the white house? did they hear it and decide not to give that information to us? it is not just crazy right wingers on the political side that want answers. the american people deserve answers and the campaign should never have gotten themselves in the middle of it. they do not have national security clearances anymore. when you leave the white house, you are not to be speaking about these things. >> brian: it's robert gibbs. he was speaking about it the next day. >> they've had gibbs, cutter, hackle rod, they're out there talking about something they would have been better served if they said we're going to keep
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pressing mitt romney on the pack he won't give us his tax plans. i understand why you're asking me about this, but in order to protect the integrity and the investigation, i have to refer balk to official government people so they could answer it. that would have been a much better way to handle it and get the campaign out of it. instead, president obama, by his own statements and by not telling the american people the evolving information of whether he didn't get it, however, they have made this problem for themselves. >> steve: it will be interesting to see whether or not any of the people in the town hall tomorrow night in long eye -- >> i was thinking about that. i think president obama should want a question about it because -- >> steve: he's got a lot of explaining to do. >> gretchen: the questions with prescreened. thanks. >> steve: straight ahead on this monday morning, school setting some controversial new standards based on race. that story is stunning and it's coming up. >> gretchen: we're taking a trip back in time. >> you can keep your choice of doctor, we're going to work with
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your employer to lower the cost of your premiums by up to $2,500 a year. you'll still have choice of doctor. there is no mandate involved. >> gretchen: the president's past campaign promises come true? the results are in next. . prego?! but i've bought ragu for years. [ thinking ] woer what other questionable choices i've made? i choose date number 2! whooo! [ sigh of relf ] [ male announcer ] choose taste. choose prego.
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are choosing advil®. here's one story. i'sean. i swited to advil® 10 months ago. biking can be really tough on the lower back and your upper thighs. u have some nasty aches and pains. i really like advil® because it takes care of it all. neck ache, shoulder pain and definitely lower back pain. i use advil® because my wife, she's a nurse, she recommended it. [ male announcer ] make the switch. take action. take advil®. and if pain keeps you up, sleep better with advil pm®. the #1 selling brand.
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>> steve: tomorrow night's debate will be the town hall format and while the president might feel more comfortable in that environment, it is supposed some problems for him in the past. specifically fact wise. fox news legal analyst, peter johnson, jr., takes a look at the president's record from the last time. >> since we're looking at the town hall debate four years ago in nashville, i said let's look at the promises made and the promises kept almost four years to the date. let's look at the president's promise on health care four years ago. >> you can keep your choice of doctor. we're going to work with your employer to lower the cost of your premiums by up to $2,500 a year. you'll still have choice of
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doctor. there is no mandate involved. >> steve: that's pretty clear. >> facts are important. premiums climbed $2,370 for the average family for the period of 2009 and 2012. health care spending increased $4,500 per person in 2011 and we know from the united states supreme court that there is a new american individual mandate. so on a lot of counts, we got obamacare, but we didn't get the savings that he talked about. >> steve: then i'm going to cross that out. not kept promise. what about the debt and deficit? >> let's watch it. >> i think it starts with washington. we've got to show we've got good habits because if we're running up trillion dollar debts that we're passing on to the next generation, then a lot of people are going to think, well, there is easy money out there. >> we're spending the easy money. $4.9 trillion in deficit spending in the past four years, which happens to be almost twice as much as president george w.
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bush racked up in eight years. let's see what the president said about entitlements. he promised entitlement reforms within his term. >> tom, we're going to have to take on entitlements and i think we've got to do it quickly. we're going to have a lot of work to do, so i can't guarantee we'll do it in the next two years, but i'd like to do it in my first term as president. >> he told tom brokaw he would. food stamp recipients increased by 50% to almost 46 million people in 3 1/2 years. medicaid recipients increased by 8 million people. disability recipients increased 11.7 million people. we checked out the promises. there is a lot of others that weren't kept as well, unfortunately. but the facts matter and we'll be listening to promises hard from both candidates tomorrow night. i'll be there and i'll be reporting on it. >> steve: so if you're mitt romney, all you really have to do is mr. president, the last time you were here, you said this, this and this. >> history matters, especially when people are out of jobs.
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>> steve: indeed. thank you very much. >> good to see you. >> steve: straight ahead, parents, you'll want to hear this. the exact amount of sleep that can mean the difference between your child's success and failure. i want to know the number and so do you. then these dogs aren't just adorable. they're part of a breakthrough in science. bionic noses trained to sniff out terror. and apparently each other so... [ gasps ]
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these are sandra's "homemade" yummy, scrumptious bars. hmm? i just wanted you to eat more fiber. chewy, oatie, gooeyness... and fraudulence. i'm in deep, babe. you certainly are. [ male announcer ] fiber one.
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>> gretchen: 22 minutes after the top of the hour. quick headlines. doctors in pakistan sending the 14-year-old girl who was shot in the head and seriously wounded
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by the taliban last week to the united kingdom for treatment now. they say she will require long-term care to fully recover from the physical and psychological effects of the attack. a massive peanut butter recall expanding. food companies sunland added raw and roasted peanuts to the list. the original recall started last month with peanut butter sold at trader joes. it was linked to salmonella across 19 states. brian? >> brian: recognized heros on september 11, talking about the search dogs who worked tirelessly to sniff out victims trapped under the debris. now the legacy of those dogs being carried on to the next generation. i want to you meet dr. cindy otto, the director of the work dog center joining us with special, special guests, including brett, canonizer and thunder. >> thank you for having me. >> brian: you're seeing some of this great work the dogs are doing. what are you thinking? >> at that point i was thinking a couple things. i can't believe that these dogs won't be affected by this
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exposure. but luckily i've been funded for the last 11 years to follow the health and behavior. the dogs have done well. >> brian: those dogs try to get somebody who is trapped. but you realize we'll need more dogs like this. what did you do? >> so we've had this vision now for ten years to have a center where we could have the research, the training, and look at the genetics and the health and behavior and actually start to enhance the dogs that are produced in this country. 'cause most of our dogs doing detection work in this country come from europe. we think we can produce those here. >> brian: named after the dogs and their legacy, you built another generation. who do we have here? >> so we have starting at thend, our youngest dog is thunder, a chocolate lab. britaini can't. she's named after a golden retrieve from texas. thunder was named after a lab from maryland. and then we have kaiser in, named after a shepherd in indiana. >> brian: these dogs are puppy, about eight weeks. you would like them to have a
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legacy of having this type of success, extraordinary sense of smell? >> absolutely. they have to come from lines that are very, very clear in their detection work, hunting, and also health because health and performance are important. >> brian: let's see if we can get them all to turn around and see the camera. look how limber this is. if you were at home right now and you have a litter and you maybe want to put a dog to your center, what do you do? >> contact us on our web site. they have tubate gnashes. >> brian: you talk about the tug toy? >> right. >> brian: give us an example. >> we can see if they're up for it. this has been a pretty exciting morning for them. we can see what he has for us. get it, get t get it. get it, get it, get it. get it. >> brian: there he goes. >> they all want it now.
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all right. brit, you want it? get it, get it. get it, brit. yeah, get that. get that. >> brian: this is the tannasity. you god to breed that into them? >> really definitely has that whole history of them want to go work, working hard, getting that toy. >> brian: you were a fun master and trainer. you like doing this? >> i love it. absolutely love it. >> brian: listen, it's a great thing you're doing. thanks for your work, also on 9-11 doing great work. thank you for bringing them downly. i appreciate it. good luck and i think they're going to get into a few things. but they've been very well behaved so far. coming up straight ahead, we have both presidential candidates admitting one of their biggest fears at the debate tomorrow is the moderator. we'll talk about that. and a stunt goes horribly wrong at a high bar breaking on the edge of a 4,000-foot cliff. now we have chaos break out on
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the floor. now they're all fighting. mike rowe here at a ford dealer with a little q&a for fiona. tell me fiona, who's having a big tire event? your ford dealer. who has 11 major brands to choose from? your ford dealer. who's offering a rebate? your ford dealer. who has the low price tire guarantee... affording peace of mind to anyone who might be in the market for a new set of res? your ford dealer. i'm beginning to sense a pattern. buy four select tires, get a $60 rebate. use the ford service credit credit card, get $60 more. that's up to $120. where did you get that sweater vest? your ford dealer. two. three. my credit card rewards are easy to remember.
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>> steve: it's time for your shot of the morning. want to know hot candidates spent their sunday? look at this. president obama delivered pizzas to volunteers at his campaign office in williamsburg, virginia. he's staying in a five star resort there, getting ready. meanwhile, governor romney and his wife, ann, attended church services in belmont, massachusetts. he then devoted the rest of his day to practicing for the debate with senator rob portman. apparently the president is currently practicing with john kerry who has been seeing roaming around the grounds in williamsburg. >> brian: his themes are tax reform, the chinese are cheat examining benghazi, the vice president doubling down on not knowing. >> gretchen: and check this out. the university in knock putting on the tipping touches in long island. what we can expect from the candidates. brian gave a detainee. what do you know is this. >> you can expect both to be very well prepared for tomorrow,
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that's what's going on right now because all weekend long, they've been not in campaign mode, but in full preparation mode. having said that, president obama knows that he better bring his a game. he knows he has to rebound from his first debate performance which critics, even supporters and the president himself describe as being lack luster. he's in williamsburg preparing for round two. daughter break from his -- during a break from his debate camp, the president said it's going well. obama campaign advisors say the president will show more gusto as he is the out to draw a clear distinction between he and governor mitt romney. >> you'll see from the president is a forceful passionate, energetic tone that demonstrates the choice that we have in front of us. obviously the president is going to be respectful. >> as for governor mitt romney,
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he is going through debate preps as well near his home in massachusetts. romney's advisors say he will be prepared for any adjustment the president will make during tomorrow's debate. >> this is a big choice election and the fact is what we saw is even if he changes his style at whatever political tactic the president settles on is being in his best interest for this debate, he can't change his record and he can't change his policies. >> as you mentioned, the town hall debate takes place tuesday. should be looking at it right there. hempstead, new york. better known as long island to many people. both candidates know how critical this round will be for aancing their campaigns and electrifying their base. back to you. >> brian: kelly wright, thanks so much. believe it or not, in the 90 minute, they only expect to get
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out between 12 and 15 yeses. the undecided voters are the ones that are in the game and they're going to be selected by gallup. you said ultimately somebody else has the selection. >> gretchen: it's very interesting because i wanted to find out -- i think the most important thing is, whoa who is going to screen these questions in what what are the questions and who is going to screen them because maybe that person might not do as much of a fair and balanced approach, or maybe they would. turns out that they will actually -- candiy crowley will actually have the ability to screen the questions and call on the people, apparently that she wants to. it may be cnn in general, but that is apparently the way it's going to go. but would you ever think the candidates going into the debate would agree on something? they do. and it has to do candy crowley. they have reached out to the debate commission saying we're a little worried that she may try to control too much of the debate. according to the rules, she is supposed to ask the question of the audience member, have them pose the question, each
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candidate has two minutes to respond. then she's supposed to do additional discussion, facilitated by candy crowley, but not new topics. she has given some interviews where she has seemed to imply she might be changing topics or getting a little more into detail. camps are upset about it. >> steve: four years ago issues tom brokaw was very pointed in his follow-ups to the original comments and some of the people felt like, wait a minute, it's supposed to be the town hall. it's not supposed to be tom brokaw show. so it will be interesting. apparently both campaigns say they're preparing under the assumption that she is going to be play ago bigger role. so if she does, they'll be ready for it. >> brian: if she doesn't, it will be boring. it will be one speech after another. it will be donahue against ricki lake. this is going to be a talk show host debate. it's like who is the better host instead of who is the better candidate as they walk around
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and try to make connections instead of understanding leadership and policy. >> gretchen: i think comes down to what questions are they going to choose? i mean, who decides what's important for the american people? this is the way every debate is really, because the moderator technically comes up with the questions. >> steve: somebody has got -- so all the people are foes supposed to be imfacial. they're undecided at this point. but somebody has got to select the topics that each of the people are going to talk about, otherwise if there were 17 questions just about libya, is there much value to that? so somebody will do some picking, but it will be interesting. >> brian: if someone asks about the parking, i'll be disappointed. >> gretchen: why does this all matter? why do we parce it down to the questions? because look at the state of the race, folks. it's so close. right now this is a rasmussen tracking poll. this is overall, daily presidential, mitt romney up by two, 49% to 47%. that's within the mar republican of error. this is pretty much how it's
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tracking in the swing states right now as well. before the first debate, that's not how the election looked. obama was up everywhere. so the first debate so important. will the second debate be just as important? >> steve: also we're three weeks and one day away from the election and there is this gigantic potential scandal brewing and that is what did the white house know regarding the security request for our consulate in libya? we had some big house investigations and a hearing last week and extraordinarily, while you saw plenty of it on the fox news channel and we told you how the people begged for more security and the administration said nope, can't it, they never put that on the front page of the "new york times." this would be a game changer and a big story if it were a republican president. but some are going, not so much. in fact, the public editor for the "new york times," a woman named margaret sullivan, she
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scolded the "new york times" for burying it inside on their international pages and not on the front pages. some people there at the "new york times" said nothing new. or it's partisan, so we're not going to put it on the front page. really? >> gretchen: very interesting. it was on a 3 instead when it was a day many people were talking about the story. still are. it was the topic of the sunday talk shows. >> brian: today is 813. derek jeter's injury, not as much as i appreciate that, nothing about benghazi, which was the number one topic on all the talk shows. >> steve: yesterday it was about benghazi. here you've got about how the people in north korea are broke. >> one guy doesn't have a shirt. >> steve: a lot of people are broke here. plus the new fashions with north korean women. also -- >> brian: which is a perplexing question. >> steve: here is rebel arms. gop fighting libertarians spot on the ballot. they would have room here, you would think, for the "new york
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times" to talk about it. but it is three weeks before the election. so don't hold your breath. >> gretchen: time for your headlines. 15-year-old from alabama fighting for his life after a prank went horribly wrong of the he and seven friends were alone at a home that belonged to the grandmother of one of the boys. a few of the guys cut the lights to the house and he pretended to be an intruder hiding in the closet. when he jumped out, he was shot in the head by one of his friends. he was rushed to the hospital in critical condition. cops say no adults were present, but alcohol and drugs were not involved. police also recovered several guns from the home. so far no charges have been filed. >> steve: parents, listen up. giving kids a few more minutes of sleep can make all the difference at school. a new study found kids who just got 27 extra minutes of sleep a night were more focused and more alert as well. while kids who got less sleep were crabby and quick to cry and likely to get frustrated. >> brian: look how much sharper john scott is than us 'cause gets to sleep in 'til like 11.
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>> steve: i think he probably goes 30 minutes. >> brian: you think so? >> steve: researchers looked at children aged 7 through 11 and also found kids who get less sleep are more likely to struggle with creativity and problem solving and wind up with lower i.q. tests. >> gretchen: seems like stuff we've known, but okay. >> brian: that was gretchen's reaction. i'll read the next story. schools in florida sending goals for students based on their race. last week the florida board of education passed a plan that sets the high proficiency percentages for asian students and the lowest for black students. many residents outraged understandably. the school board says not all students start at the same point and should not be compared. >> gretchen: i can't believe that that's happening in 2012. when i read that story in the 6:00 a.m. news, i want to make sure that was actually accurate in florida. i was like wait a minute. that's actually happening in 2012?
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really? >> steve: it is. meanwhile, straight ahead, something else is happening this year. actor tim allen a screen left, has a home improvement idea for the white house. get a new tenant. you got to hear this. his story coming up. >> gretchen: bruce string stein doesn't agree. our next guest voted for hope and change in 2008. but now he claims they've lost their minds. stay tuned [ rosa ] i'm rosa and i quit smoking with chantix. when the doctor told me that i could smoke for the first week... i'm like...yeah, ok... little did i know that one week later i wasn't smoking. [ male announcer ] along with support, chantix is proven to help people quit smoking. it reduces the urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions
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he's perfect. "i am?" yes, you are. making a groundbreaking car. it's that easy. ♪ >> steve: quick headlines. as promised, here is that actor comedian, tim allen story. he's poking fun at the white house during the season premiere of his sitcom on abc called "last man standing." his character saying the white house needs a new tenant. the episode airs four days before the election and he tries to talk his daughter into voting
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for mitt romney. and a base jumper swinging from a high bar on the edge of a cliff. part of a stunt, right? what could go wrong? that could go wrong. the bar collapsed and it sent the guy flying off a 4,000-foot drop. well, guess what? he was wearing a parachute and at some point, he deployed it and he landed unharmed. happy landing. quite a story. >> gretchen: democrats now trying to spin their way out of the botched terror response in libya by blaming the other guy? >> governor romney told in private, told his supporters that he was waiting for a crisis, waiting for an incident to jump in on national security and he did. he jumped in right away, the day of these attacks with half information. >> gretchen: our next guest who voted for president obama in 2008 says this is the new mantra of the democratic party. silence the critics. michael goodwin, a columnist for
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the "new york post." what do you mean by that? >> i think when you look at everything that the democrats are doing these days, it's scapegoating like whose fault is it that happened in libya? the administration takes no responsibility. at the same time, they're accusing the republicans of politicizing it, going after the media groups that talk about it. and it's all about avoiding any responsibility, any accountability and anybody who criticizes the president now is demonized immediately. so this idea that the republicans are politicizing the death of the ambassador action i mean, this is the president's responsibility. the fact that the media largely is ignoring the story makes it a political story that the republicans have to carry, unfortunately. if the media were doing its job, we would have a national scandal right now about what happened in libya, who failed to give the security and then the lie afterwards that there was a demonstration. there was no demonstration. somebody had to create a
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demonstration for susan rice to go out and talk about and that's been the story from three weeks now. >> gretchen: here is other stuff that maybe other people haven't heard. the time line leading up to the libya attack to show maybe there was some concern about security there. june 6, i.e.d. thrown at u.s. consulate. june 11, british ambassador's motorcade attacked. june 18, tunisia, flag burned. yet, the vice president went out during the debate on thursday in the first question and said that we, supposedly meaning the administration, did not know there had been a request for security. do you believe that? >> look, he may have not known and the president may not have known, but you don't judge an administration by what the president and vice president personally know. if that's the way we're going to operate this government, then i'm sure they didn't know about the gsa parties in las vegas. i'm sure they didn't know about a lot of things. if they're to be held unaccountable or accountable only for the things they are
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personally told, that doesn't get us very far, does it? what kind of government would that be? that's the whole point of running an administration. i should say, too, that i think what's happened to the democratic party lately is the focus of my latest column, and i just find it abhorrent the way the party is intolerant for anybody ho disagrees with it. the way joe biden treated paul ryan, the lack of manners, the sense that i'm going to shut you down from even talking because i don't like what you say. this has now become the modern democratic party. as a democrat myself, i think this is terrible. i think it's bad for the country, but it doesn't seem to be resonating with the party leaders, especially. >> gretchen: very interesting. check out his column in the new york post, michael goodbin. thank you. want to know a piece of history? once in the hands of president lincoln? stick around. we'll tell you how you can. let's check in with mar this mccallum. >> good morning, everybody. so we've got 22 days to go. the countdown is on as the
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president and governor romney get ready for a big night tomorrow night when they will face off. we'll have new polls, some swing state numbers to look at this morning as well. a great group to analyze where this is headed now. rudy guiliani, brit hume, larry sabato and his crystal ball and bill and me. we'll see you at the top of the hour [ man ] ring ring... progresso this reduced sodium soup says it mahelp lower cholesterol, how does it work? you just he to eat it as part of your heart healthy diet. step 1. eat the soup.
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all those veggies and beans, that's what may help lower your cholesterol and -- well that's easy [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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>> steve: from abraham lincoln to susan b. anthony, american history runs rich and deep. from historic documents to movements like women's suffrage. >> brian: imagine if you could bring a piece of that history into your house maybe today. joining us now is historical documents, seth. can this really happen? >> it really can. one of the reasons i love coming out here is to show the
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important kinds much things that are in private hands and can be collected. >> steve: all right. let's start right over there. looks a little crickety. but abraham lincoln used to sit in the nomination chair. >> yes. this was in the telegraph office at the newspaper in springfield. he would frequently go there to get the news and he was sitting in this chair, nice and low, with his legs out listening to the news. it had been held together, but over the last more than 100 years it's not as strong as it was. >> steve: who knew they had a pier 1 back then? how much is that? this is not for auction. this is for sale at what price? >> $145,000. >> steve: okay. >> brian: it certain israeli a good talking point in your home. over here is in. >> this is a letter that abraham lincoln wrote in 1858, trying to help create republicans and get them in congress to oppose slavery. here he's recommending his best man for a seat in congress, even
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though he wasn't a republican. but what's needed is he's -- what's neat is he's writing this, signing it a republican, not his name. that got him into trouble. >> brian: that's his name? >> steve: shouldn't you laminate that? >> no, you don't want to do that. this existed for more than a decade before the civil war. but this is when it first became -- >> brian: is it crowd rounders? >> yeah, there were a couple names. but this is the first political cartoon that we know of. the first time we know of the phrase, the national game being used. >> brian: how much is this? >> this is $12,000. it's really rare. but there are lincoln cartoons that people can own for under $100 that are original. >> brian: tell me about this. >> that's a flag around 1910 from the women suffrage movement and at first they were alied with the antislavery movement.
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but then it broke after. >> brian: i want to you stick around because we're going to come back and wrap things up. this is amazing. i wouldn't be surprised if he gave something to gretchen. >> steve: why not. when we come back, what are all of these people doing on our plaza? they're looking for you. more "fox & friends" in two minutes. good morning, folks, you're on tv [ mother ] you can't leave the table till you finish your vegeta !
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>> gretchen: breast cancer awareness month in october. one of the biggest walks around is the avon walk for breast cancer. joining me now, avon representatives. you want to do become involved with avon. what can we learn about the walk? >> the avon walk for breast cancer in new york is two days and 39 miles. where thousands of women and men will come together to raise money and awareness for breast cancer. one of nine walks we've done across the country this year. we're excited. it's our hometown and our
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biggest walk. >> gretchen: one in eight women will have a chance of developing breast cancer. >> yeah. the avon foundation is proud to be celebrating 20 years on the fight against breast cancer. sadly, one in eight women will be diagnosed. there is a diagnosis every three minutes in this country. we need to do more. like the avon walk. we hope we can make progress by learning what causes the disease and preventing preventing it. >> gretchen: where can people go if they want to become involved? are there other cities coming up? >> charlotte the weekends after new york. then that's it for the season. it's not too early to register for 2013. avonwalk pinellas county org. there's a list of cheering stations. people can cheer on all of our walkers. they're going 39 miles. >> gretchen: fantastic. wow. give yourself a round of applause. all these folks behind me will be doing the walk and raising much needed funds. thanks so both of you. good luck. >> let's go back inside. >> steve: all right. thanks very much. coming up on tomorrow's program,


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